The Best Way For Women To Lose 20 Pounds Of Fat If They Do Not Want To Exercise

What is the right age to join a gym

Obesity is a serious issue in the present world. Life has become so fast these days that people now depend on fast food in order to cut the time spent on cooking good and healthy food. In a bid to save time they are inadvertently taking in a whole lot of calories which in turn is inducing obesity. Although you will find women saying that they are comfortable in their skin, and don't really care about the fat in their bodies, it is in reality a lie.

Alternative ways of losing weight

All women secretly desire not just to look pretty they want to have an hourglass figure as well. But most of the times the path for achieving the hourglass figure is a path that encompasses rigorous exercises like stretching, running, jogging, cycling, sit-ups, etc. And hence many women who start with a lot of motivation may lose interest in while. But what if want to lose weight without any such hard work? Is it possible? Let's find out.

Do you want to cut out the calories without exercising and reduce 20 pounds of fat? Well then, let's tell you that there are two ways to do it. One is through a drug and supplement regime and the second is through a strict diet route. When you are not exercising you must opt for a proper diet prescribed by recommended dietician. It's better to avoid drugs or supplements as that can be injurious to health.

Diet should be your religion

So let's now concentrate on how the diet should be in order to burn 20 pounds of body fat.Drinking eight glasses of water per day is must as it not only helps to flush out the toxins from your body, it keeps you healthy and also helps a lot in weight reduction. The kind of foods you must depend on in order to lose the bulk of the body fat are: lots of green vegetables like spinach, asparagus, peas, carrot and beetroot. Fresh fruits and vegetables do not add to your body fat yet they are very nutritious and healthy.My site here 

For your protein intake you can depend on fat free chicken, fish, egg whites, skimmed milk, very low fat cheese and lean red meat and legumes like lentils, black beans, pinto beans, etc. You must also avoid "white" carbohydrates like bread, rice, cereals, potatoes, and fried foods with bread as much as possible. Most dieticians recommend mixing and matching and eating from the same few meals. Keeping it simple and eating mostly oil or butter free boiled low calorie food is the secret in of weight loss without exercise.

Exercise need not be restricted to gyming

If the thought of going to the gym is painful for you, you can look for other ways to keep fit. Walk the stairs, clean the house, clean your car, if going to a place which is within half an hour distance from your house walk without driving or riding, take your dog (if you have one) for walks twice a day. Play with your own children or the neighborhood children and become a community person completely. All these will help you to reduce a hefty amount of weight. If you tend to eat while bored then find out your hobby other than eating and pursue it. All these procedures will help you to reduce 20 pounds of weight without exercising and achieve a proportionate beautiful curvaceous figure that will make others jealous.